+31 591 667 687 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 Karel Doormanstraat 4, 7825 VT Emmen, The Netherlands
+49 514 182 033 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 Bruchkampweg 28, Celle, Germany
ISO:9001 / 14001 / 45001
26 years experience
Proven track-record
900+ wells restored
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ESP Workover

Reduce Costs and Increase Production


The platform was located on an Oil and Gas Producing Field in the Irish Sea.

The Oil producing Wells no longer free flow, thus an ESP is used to lift the oil.

As with all electrical motors, ESP´s also have a limited life span. When a failure is encountered the solution often involves a full Workover of the Well.

On this platform the wells were located on a separate bridge linked Wellhead platform, thus lending itself to HWO very well. The only other alternative would be to utilise a Jack-up in.


The objective was to pull the current completion before making up and running the new like for like completion.


  • As this was a new customer a major package of upgrades and modifications had to be made to the unit in order to meet the standards required. This was completed on time and on budget.
  • Significant and detailed planning was required due to vessel and deck space constraints.
  • Rig up and rig down had to be thoroughly planned as a hands free lifting policy was to be implemented.
  • A new culture and working practise had to be adopted by the workover crew


  • Successfully worked over well and brought it back online.
  • Implementation of hands free policy proved successful with thousands of lifts performed during the operation.
  • Unit successfully rigged up on time.
  • Great team work from all parties involved.
  • Zero incidents and accidents.
  • Operation was conducted at a level above and beyond customer expectation.