+31 591 667 687 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 Karel Doormanstraat 4, 7825 VT Emmen, The Netherlands
+49 514 182 033 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 Bruchkampweg 28, Celle, Germany
ISO:9001 / 14001 / 45001
26 years experience
Proven track-record
900+ wells restored
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Wireline services

BPC Wireline Services offer fit for purpose technology that solves your operational and evaluation needs both onshore and offshore. Many years of experience contribute largely to the success of our operations. We are committed to deliver flexible, cost efficient and high quality services.

Our Wireline units are designed and built according to the latest standards. We supply new high quality equipment. 

We have a large in-house stock of Slick & E-line cables, Pressure control equipment, Spare parts, pumping equipment and other auxiliary tools and equipment.

BPC offers a complete package of Slickline and E-line services including:

Well integrity

Camera surveys, Flow control / shutt off, Caliper surveys, Cement bond logs, Casing condition surveys, Depth measurements, PVT surveys, leak search, etc.

Production logging
Pressure-Temperature surveys, Fluid sampling, Flow surveys, Sand sampling, Slickline PLT, different types of slickline memory tools, etc.

Perforation services
High shot density perforating, Perforating Gamma ray systems, Tubing conveyed perforation, etc.

Pipe recovery services
Free point surveys, Back-off shots, Chemical cutter systems, Jet cutter systems, Split shot systems, etc.

Mechanical services
Setting of Bridge plugs, Frac plugs, all type of Packers, Pack-off / Straddle systems

Remedial services
Gauge cutting (wax and scale removal), Fishing equipment, Dump bailers, Junk baskets, Cement retainers

Well Integrity Logging

Advanced techniques of integrity evaluation of oil & gas production and storage facility wells

Historically, Well Integrity problems were only detected after physical signs were encountered allowing potential problems to escalate into significant economic and safety risks requiring expensive remedial operations.

BPC, together with partner Edenergo-Diagnostica, offers a full Well Integrity Survey which can identify potential problems upfront and provide real-time indication of well conditions covering aspects of:

  • Corrosion monitoring of casing and tubing
  • (Potential) Leak paths
  • Cement integrity
  • Flows, Temperatures and pressures
  • Gas accumulation behind the casing

Casing corrosion measurements can be performed in oil, brine and gas filled wells without tubing retrieval allowing up to three casing strings to be monitored by thru-tubing wireline logging.

Our surveys are conducted without decommissioning or killing a well and without removing the tubing, providing a beneficial economic effect.

Available Wireline tools and techniques

  • gas-dynamic complex (highly sensitive temperature logging, barometry, noise level metering, etc.)
  • Magnetic pulse flaw detection
  • Scanning magnetic pulse flaw detection
  • Gamma and neutron-gamma ray logging
  • Spectrometric methods of gamma, neutron-gamma, neutron–neutron logging
  • Pulse methods of neutron-gamma, neutron–neutron logging
  • Multi-finger caliper