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+49 514 182 033 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 Bruchkampweg 28, Celle, Germany
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Straddle recovery on a Live gas well

Do not kill your well – safe your formation


The well is a gas producer with a deviation of 48º that was completed with 5”completion in 1985.

Well integrity problems forced the operator to shut-in the well and to plan a re-completion workover.

Reservoir condition was such that killing the well would cause a significant production loss due to formation damage.

HWO/Snubbing operation was required to perform the remedial works on the live well.


The primary objective was to retrieve the 600m long straddle without killing the well on the formation, set a plug in the tail pipe and replacing the leaking Cr-13 completion.


  • HWO/Snubbing unit was required in order to deal with pressurized well conditions.
  • 22m high BOP stack was assembled to deal with all challenges present on the live well.
  • Straddle pipes and packers were stripped to surface under pressure.
  • New CR13 completion was installed without surface pressure.


  • Successfully retrieved the 600m long straddle.
  • Formation was saved and well was brought into full production.
  • Zero incidents and accidents.
  • Technical challenges were successfully achieved.