+31 591 667 687 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 Karel Doormanstraat 4, 7825 VT Emmen, The Netherlands
+49 514 182 033 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 Bruchkampweg 28, Celle, Germany
ISO:9001 / 14001 / 45001
26 years experience
Proven track-record
900+ wells restored
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BPC 600K unit on site

Live well shallow fishing and milling operation

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BPC has performed a live well shallow fishing and milling operation on a gas producer in Germany. The Task was to retrieve a broken Sleeve in a depth of 50 meters with the use of 2-7/8’’ VX24 DP and a 7-1/16’’ BOP Stack. After more than 70 days of different fishing, jarring and underbalanced high-speed […]

WELL CONTROL – kill underground blowout

A new well was accidentally drilled into an existing gas production well at a depth of 611m. The accident triggered an underground blow-out in which large quantities of gas were produced from a 3536m deep reservoir into the 611m formation. The drilling rig was severely damaged by the blow-out and the newly drilled hole finally […]

Underbalance Drilling using Snubbing unit

This gas producer well in Poland was drilled overbalance in 2011 to a depth 1528 mAH. To prevent reservoir damage caused by overbalanced drilling fluids the company decided to drill the well further in underbalance mode to a depth of 1858 mAH. Snubbing was identified as the most safe and efficient method to drill underbalance […]

UBD – Live well drilling and completion

During managed pressure drilling (MPD) with a conventional drilling rig into a gas bearing formation severe losses were encountered. Surface pressures up to 180 Bar were recorded. The well was temporarily killed by pumping 250 mT of LCM material and a viscous seal pill and the drilling rig was demobilized. In total 5300 m³ of […]

Straddle recovery on a Live gas well

The well is a gas producer with a deviation of 48º that was completed with 5”completion in 1985. Well integrity problems forced the operator to shut-in the well and to plan a re-completion workover. Reservoir condition was such that killing the well would cause a significant production loss due to formation damage. HWO/Snubbing operation was […]

Safeguarding a blown out well

This was a gas storage well that supplied gas to the German capital, Berlin. A down-hole explosion occured during regular maintenance, which caused the well to blow out. This explosion caused major damage to the completion, casing and well-head. The primary objective was to safeguard the well by changing out the well-head and gaining access […]

Coil Tubing Recovery

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The platform was located on a Large Gas Producing Field in the Central North Sea. The Wells were beginning to water out and in an attempt to increase production the decision was made to run Coil Tubing Velocity Strings. During the first string installation a runaway occurred which resulted in the shear seals being closed […]


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Four existing multi-lateral horizontal gas wells located in the Southern North Sea were initially completed barefoot but production eventually ceased due to blockage of the production conduit by reservoir solids (sand and rocks). To mitigate this problem, 2-7/8” pre-drilled liner pipe made up in lengths of up to 200m was to be deployed on wireline […]


The platform was a HPHT gas condensate producer in the Central North Sea. A Well had been suspended with a shallow cement plug and was to be abandoned. Bellow the cement plug was the possibility of 800 bar. The objective was to rig up a snubbing unit within the derrick of a jack up, then […]

Live well Coiled Tubing Recovery

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This gas injector/producer well was drilled in 2014 to a depth of 2635 mAH. After the well was completed and tested, coiled tubing was used to retrieve a 5.75” RPT standing valve installed in the packer tailpipe. Pressure differential over the valve was equalized using nitrogen. Coiled tubing was not able to free the valve. […]