The platform was located on an Oil Producing Field in the Mediterranean off the coast of Sicily. The wells were completed in the mid 1980´s to produce heavy 15.5 API oil. Over the course of thirty years the integrity of these wells had suffered, thus a workover campaign utilising HWO was initiated. The platform previously […]
The platform was a gas producer and was located in the Southern UKCS. Normally it is an unmanned installation (NUI) and as such had significant restrictions in terms of available beds, deck space and crane limitations. The objective was to workover a gas producer that had proven communication between the tubing and annulus. BPC were […]
The platform was located on an Oil and Gas Producing Field in the Irish Sea. The Oil producing Wells no longer free flow, thus an ESP is used to lift the oil. As with all electrical motors, ESP´s also have a limited life span. When a failure is encountered the solution often involves a full […]