+31 591 667 687 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 Karel Doormanstraat 4, 7825 VT Emmen, The Netherlands
+49 514 182 033 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 Bruchkampweg 28, Celle, Germany
ISO:9001 / 14001 / 45001
26 years experience
Proven track-record
900+ wells restored
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NUI Workover

Personnel & Rig Up Optimized


The platform was a gas producer and was located in the Southern UKCS. Normally it is an unmanned installation (NUI) and as such had significant restrictions in terms of available beds, deck space and crane limitations.


The objective was to workover a gas producer that had proven communication between the tubing and annulus. BPC were involved from the beginning of this project with a BPC desk engineer writing the programme and sitting in the client’s office.


  • Upfront an E-line cutter was used to cut tubing just above the packer.
  • Pumping package was rigged up and Well kill performed.
  • Unit was rigged up directly under the crane on a skidding Package due to crane not having sufficient height over Well Centre.
  • Unit skidded over to Well and attempt to pull tubing was made, tubing would not come.
  • Decision made to run in with Chemical cutter on slickline.
  • Tubing began moving on second attempt.
  • Significant corrosion was seen on the connections of the retrieved tubing.
  • All tubing was pulled out of hole and new completion successfully run.
  • Limited deck space meant equipment package had to be optimized.
  • Operation had to be carefully planned due to only 22 beds in total and no dedicated boat during operations.


  • Operation was planned from the drawing board to completion inside 4 months.
  • Well was successfully recompleted and brought back on line.
  • Operation was completed on time with minimal weather delays.
  • No support vessel was required during the entire operation.
  • Great team work displayed by all parties on board.
  • Zero incidents and accidents.