+31 591 667 687 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 Karel Doormanstraat 4, 7825 VT Emmen, The Netherlands
+49 514 182 033 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 Bruchkampweg 28, Celle, Germany
ISO:9001 / 14001 / 45001
26 years experience
Proven track-record
900+ wells restored
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BPC 600K unit on site
TypeFishing and milling operation
GoalRetrieve broken sleeve at 50 mtrs.

Live well shallow fishing and milling operation

BPC has performed a live well shallow fishing and milling operation on a gas producer in Germany. The Task was to retrieve a broken Sleeve in a depth of 50 meters with the use of 2-7/8’’ VX24 DP and a 7-1/16’’ BOP Stack. After more than 70 days of different fishing, jarring and underbalanced high-speed milling, with Nitrogen circulation operations the fish was successfully retrieved during BHA run #49. During the entire duration of the project all operational and safety regulations applying for this kind of high-risk operations, were fulfilled without any LTI’s. Thanks to all parties to successfully completed this challenging project also regarding rough weather conditions and the current Covid-19 situation.