+31 591 667 687 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 Karel Doormanstraat 4, 7825 VT Emmen, The Netherlands
+49 514 182 033 Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00 Bruchkampweg 28, Celle, Germany
ISO:9001 / 14001 / 45001
26 years experience
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900+ wells restored
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ISO-45001 Certification

Balance Point Control > General > ISO-45001 Certification


Recently Balance Point Control qualified for ISO-45001 (from OHSAS 18001). ISO 45001 is the ISO standard for management systems of occupational health and safety. The ISO-45001 standard was developed by a committee of occupational health and safety experts, and follows other generic management system approaches such as ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 (iso.org). 

ISO 45001 follows the general direction of recent ISO standards by encouraging ‘risk-based thinking’. With this certification Balance Point Control B.V. offers customers all over the world a wide range of certification (ISO 9001 / ISO 14001 / ISO 45001 / SCC Petrochemical) that guarantees safe and efficient execution of services.

Our wide range of qualifications helps us with our commitment to achieve the highest possible standards of health-, quality-, safety- and environmental performance. With our newly added certification, we can guarantee that we perform jobs in the best, safest and most efficient way. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

All Certificates

SCC Petro

ISO-9001 Balance Point Control

ISO-14001 Balance Point Control


ISO-45001 Balance Point Control

SCC Petrochemical Balance Control